Traffic Management: Emu Bay Road/Mole Creek Road roundabout in Deloraine

Posted on November 08, 2024

We’re excited to announce that new footpath works and upgrades to the refuge island at the Emu Bay Road/Mole Creek Road roundabout in Deloraine are about to begin! This project will create a smooth, safe pedestrian link from Pepperberry Close in the Jordan Place subdivision to the existing footpath along Emu Bay Road, making it easier for everyone to enjoy the area on foot.

Emu Bay Road Deloraine

With an expected start on 11 November 2024 and planned completion by the end of the month, this upgrade wouldn’t be possible without the support of our community. We appreciate your patience and cooperation as Meander Valley Council works to enhance our shared spaces and improve accessibility for all.

Please remember to follow the directions of traffic controllers, observe signage, and keep to the posted speed limit for everyone’s safety. Thank you for being part of these improvements that keep our community moving forward!