Council is preparing for the implementation of the Tasmanian Government’s Landfill Levy

Posted on June 21, 2022

As the financial year draws to a close, Council is preparing for the implementation of the Tasmanian Government’s Landfill Levy.

The new levy starts on 1 July 2022 and will apply to all waste material sent to landfill.

“Council is required to collect the levy on behalf of the State Government which will commence at $20 per tonne. This will affect the gate fees at Meander Valley’s landfill sites which will both be subject to the levy,” Mayor Wayne Johnston said.

The levy is set to be increased over the next four years to meet the Australian Regional Waste Levy average of $60 per tonne by 2026.

A newly formed Tasmanian Waste and Resource Recovery Board will administer the revenue generated by the levy which will be directed to improving Tasmania’s recycling, composting and resource recovery.

“We understand that additional costs to gate fees will have an impact on residents however, I understand the Board will be developing a state-wide waste strategy which will see a cohesive approach to Tasmania’s sustainability,” Mayor Johnston said.

“The costs associated with waste management for all councils continues to rise, however the levy will improve investment in waste facilities such as weighbridges.

“By taking a long term view, this investment, together with a commitment to work with the community and the State Government we can minimise the long term financial and environmental impacts of disposing of waste to landfill,” Mayor Johnston said.

Ahead of the introduction of the State Government’s levy, Meander Valley Council has expanded their food and garden organics and rural recycling collection services to help more residents divert their waste away from landfill.

Mayor Johnston said the levy is also designed to encourage more sorting.

“By diverting more recyclables and organic material away from general waste, the amount of waste to landfill each household generates can be greatly reduced. Better sorting is something we can all do and the recent changes to our waste collection services support residents to achieve that.”

For more information on the Landfill Levy, visit the Tasmanian Government’s Department of Natural Resources and Environment website at