Getting Started

Planning, building, plumbing and other approvals

Depending on what planning rules and zones apply to the property, a Planning Permit may be required for proposals such as subdivision, building, alterations and changes of use. A Planning Application is the first step in the development process.

Building, plumbing and other approvals may be required AFTER a Planning Permit has been granted. These ensure that the work you intend to undertake complies with Building Regulations. For information about Building Regulations, click here

Before you apply for a Planning Permit, discuss your proposal with one of our Town Planners so you are fully aware of what is required.
Council's Town Planners are available to assist over the phone or face to face during the following times:

Mondays 10am-1pm
Wednesdays 1pm - 4pm
Thursdays 1pm - 4pm

To book an appointment phone Council on 6393 5320 or email your enquiry to

Council currently operates under the Tasmanian Planning Scheme - Meander Valley and your development will fall into one of five classifications. For more information about planning classifications and planning applications, see the Helpful Documents sidebar to the right on this page.

Use Discover Meander Valley to find out more about a property

Discover Meander Valley is Council's local mapping software. You can view planning maps, current development applications and perform a property search.

Click on the link below and select the "Development" button. Click on the map or enter the address of a property to perform a search and generate a report. The report can be downloaded and/or printed. If you have a question about a particular property, you can email Council's Development Services Department directly by clicking on the Property Enquiry button.

Visit Discover Meander Valley

Planning Reviews - when you need specific advice

Council encourages you to apply for a Planning Review. A Planning Review advises if a particular use or development will require a permit and can also identify missing information that is required to complete a Planning Application. A Planning Review is a formal document provided by Council in relation to use or development.

Planning Review Information & Application Form