New beginning for Bracknell’s Community Hall

Posted on September 30, 2020

Planning is underway to construct a new community hall in Bracknell

Planning is underway to construct a new community hall in Bracknell as the existing structure is due for replacement.

“The old hall has had a noticeable lean for a number of years and a replacement building will best meet the needs of the community,” Mayor Wayne Johnston said.

The proposed new structure will be an extension to the existing Boys and Girls Club building and will follow the same profile. It will be designed to accommodate existing user groups and a range of community activities including indoor bowls, a community gym and health and wellbeing classes.

“Both Council and the Bracknell Hall Committee recognise the rich history associated with the old hall. A dedicated foyer featuring key artefacts and some of the original timber has been incorporated into the design,” Mayor Johnston said.

The area around the building will also be considered, allowing for the future relocation of the playground and options for installing a remembrance memorial.

Council has included the project in this year’s Capital Works Program and has sought additional funding from the Federal Government.

Council will be consulting with the community on the project and feedback will be used to refine the design prior to the commencement of any work.


Merrilyn Shelton, Mandy Parker, Cr Bower, Council’s General Manager John Jordan and Ian Mackenzie collaborate on plans for a new hall.