Council seeks community feedback on the State Government’s proposed reforms

Posted on July 04, 2023

Council is holding two community meetings and opening a community survey to seek feedback from the Meander Valley community about the State Government’s proposed reforms.

Council is holding two community meetings and hosting a community survey to seek feedback from the Meander Valley community about the State Government’s proposed reforms.

“The survey and the community meetings will help inform Council’s response to the State Government’s reform paper and will also provide an opportunity for locals to have a say about what they think should happen to Meander Valley’s municipal boundaries,” Mayor Wayne Johnson said.

Meander Valley residents are also encouraged to provide feedback directly to the State Government about their proposed reforms by making a submission prior to 2 August.

“Potential changes to Meander Valley Council’s boundaries is significant and we would have preferred a bit more time to undertake our own consultation but we are working within the State Government’s timeframes.

“We urge residents to make sure they provide feedback either directly to the State Government, via Meander Valley Council’s online survey or at one of our community meetings. We will certainly be passing all feedback we receive to the State Government,” Mayor Johnston said.

Meander Valley Council’s Local Government Reform Feedback Sessions will be held at the following locations:

6-7pm, Monday 10 July, Country Club Tasmania Clarendon and Entally Room
6-7pm, Tuesday 11 July, Deloraine Community Complex, 6 Alveston Drive, Deloraine

For more information about the proposed changes and to leave feedback for Council, click here

Feedback is invited until 14 July, 2023.

Residents can also provide their own submission directly to the Tasmanian State Government by visiting