Plans, Reports & Strategies
Annual Report
The Annual Report documents the services provided to the municipality, details the results of operational planning and outlines achievements. It is one of the ways Council demonstrates transparency, accountability and connects with the community's vision. Copies of the Annual Report are available from the Council office or can be downloaded below:
Meander Valley Council Annual Report 2023-24
Meander Valley Council Annual Report 2022-23
Meander Valley Council Annual Report 2021-22
Meander Valley Council Annual Report 2020-21
Meander Valley Council Annual Report 2019-20
Meander Valley Council Annual Report 2018-19
Meander Valley Council Annual Report 2017-18
Annual Plan
Council's Annual Plan outlines:
• Council's plan for the development and use of financial resources, human resources and assets
• The activity performance targets to be achieved during the year
• The programs required to achieve the activity performance targets
• The financial and other resources required to achieve the activity performance targets
To view our Annual Plan for 2024-25 click here
Printed copies are also available from Council's customer service office at 26 Lyall Street, Westbury.
Council's 2024-25 Budget was formally approved by Council on 11 June 2024. The budget provides funding for a number of infrastructure projects that will be delivered to the community in the next twelve months. In addition to operating expenditure, the budget includes capital works projects for the year totaling $18.8 million.
Meander Valley Council Budget Estimates 2024-25
Meander Valley Council Budget Estimates 2023-24
Meander Valley Council Budget Estimates 2022-23
Meander Valley Council Budget Estimates 2021-22
Financial Management Strategy and Long Term Financial Plan
Council's Financial Management Strategy and Long Term Financial Plan guide Council in its financial decision making.
Meander Valley Council Financial Management Strategy and Long Term Financial Plan
Asset Management Strategy and Long Term Strategic Asset Management Plan
Council's Asset Management Strategy and Long Term Strategic Asset Management Plan direct Council in meeting financial planning objectives, legislative and regulatory requirements for asset management.
Asset Management Strategy and Long Term Strategic Asset Management Plan
Community Strategic Plan
The Community Strategic Plan is for the whole municipality. Auspiced by Council through a process of community engagement, the Community Strategic Plan encompasses vision, values and future directions.
Community Strategic Plan 2024-2034
Eastern Play Space Strategy 2024-2034 - Blackstone Heights, Prospect Vale and Hadspen areas.
The Strategy reviews Council’s current provision and outlines a 10-year plan, considering community needs, demographics, open space and playground trends and safety standards.
The Strategy focuses on the provision of play spaces rather than playgrounds, acknowledging that spaces should cater for a wider demographic than only children and that these spaces act as social gathering areas, away from the hustle and bustle of our busy lives.
Eastern Play Space Strategy 2024-2034
Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy 2024-2033
Protecting the environment now and in the future is at the heart of Council's waste management strategy.
By following a circular economy approach waste is considered a valuable resource to be reused over and over.
The Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy provides direction on delivering effective and sustainable waste management in the municipality over the next ten years.
Community Development Framework
A framework has been developed that clarifies Council's commitment to community development. This document offers insight and guiding principles to support community development across wide service areas.
Not a Spectator Sport - Community Development Framework
Deloraine Recreation Precinct Masterplan
The Deloraine Racecourse, a historically prominent piece of community infrastructure has been identified for urban renewal. It is hoped that the precinct will become a recreation hub for everyone to enjoy and bring new life back, revitalising a currently under-utilised area.
Philp Lighton Architects (PLA) with stakeholder input has developed a long-term detailed precinct masterplan that defines the scope and staging of this urban renewal project.
Deloraine Recreation Precinct Masterplan