Upgrades complete at Prospect Vale Park Training Grounds

Posted on March 30, 2021

Game on! Extensive surface upgrades at Prospect Vale Park mean more opportunities for locals to get active!

A major community sporting ground in northern Tasmania has undergone an extensive surface upgrade to ensure it caters to local sporting clubs into the future.

Liberal Senator for Tasmania, Claire Chandler, said the upgrades to the Prospect Vale Park training grounds would benefit the multitude of sporting clubs which use the grounds.

“Local sporting clubs including touch football, Aussie rules and soccer use the grounds for training and competitive matches, and upgrades to improve drainage and irrigation will enable ground use throughout the year,” Senator Chandler said.

Meander Valley Council Mayor, Wayne Johnston said the project will provide users with a level, more reliable playing surface that can be used all year round.

“Prospect Vale Park is Meander Valley Council’s highest use recreation facility and this upgrade will ensure more people will be able to participate in community sport at a local level,” Mayor Johnston said.

The Australian Government committed $700,000 to the $750,513 project under the Community Development Grants Programme, with the remaining funding provided by the Meander Valley Council.