Council waiting to hear what the election will bring for Meander Valley.

Posted on May 17, 2022

“At this stage, Meander Valley seems to have been overlooked”

Just days ahead of the Federal election, Meander Valley Mayor Wayne Johnston is still waiting to hear commitments from candidates that will serve the municipality.

“At this stage, Meander Valley seems to have been overlooked,” Mayor Johnston said.

“I hope the coming days will provide a different story about the level of political interest and commitment to the wellbeing and prosperity of Meander Valley.“

Council presented 19 Priority Projects for funding commitments to federal candidates; however, so far, little response has been made.

Only one of the proposed projects has attracted a commitment from the major parties. Both the Liberal and Labor parties have supported a project at Prospect Vale Park, upgrading facilities and access.

Additionally, Labor has pledged to fund continued work positioning the Meander Valley and Kentish Council areas as a regional short-walks capital of Tasmania.

Regional growth and improvement are always high on the agenda for local government, and neighbouring municipalities are also seeking funding and commitments from local candidates. Meander Valley falls within the seat of Lyons, the largest geographic electorate division in Tasmania, with diverse demographics and interests.

“Advocacy and representation of regional interests on the national level are important for residents to be heard and served”, Mayor Johnston said.

“We have met with and presented Meander Valley’s Priority Projects to candidates.”

Some of the projects include critical improvements to sewerage infrastructure in Bracknell; a Recreation Precinct in Deloraine; car park and access upgrades at Prospect Vale Park, and road safety and renewal plans throughout the municipality.

“Council has consulted with the community and sporting groups, and the list of Priority Projects reflects these views, as well as known infrastructure needs across the municipality, Mayor Johnston said.

Meander Valley residents should have something to gain from their votes this weekend,” Mayor Johnston added.

“I hope we’ll see some commitment to our region in the coming days.”

Click here to see the complete Meander Valley Council Priority Projects list.