Free forums to help Meander Valley businesses grow their operations

Posted on October 27, 2022

Learn from the experts on how to access and use data tools for your business!

Meander Valley Council is running free forums in Deloraine and Prospect Vale next week to introduce local businesses to data tools to help grow their operations.

Meander Valley Mayor, Wayne Johnston, said the forums were being organised in partnership with Id. Consulting and focused on using the latest data to inform good business decisions.

“Council sees these forums as a valuable opportunity for businesses to gain an insight into the local economy, how it is changing over time and how it compares to other areas,” Mayor Johnston said.

“They will then learn from the experts on how to access and use data tools in their business planning.”

Ryan James from .Id Consulting said participants would receive an introduction on and the various tools available.

"These sessions not only help you find the facts and figures you need to grow your business, they also help you understand your local market and local community better,” Mr James said.

“These resources include information about local markets, residents and suburbs, industries including agriculture and tourism and data about how the local economy is performing.”

Greg Turner from The Project Lab will also be attending the forums to provide free business advice and can assist with starting a new business, growing and improving existing businesses, developing a marketing strategy and more.

The forums will be held on Wednesday, 2 November at:

  • Empire Hotel, 19 Emu Bay Road, Deloraine at 12.30pm – 2pm (lunch provided); and
  • Australian Italian Club, 414 Westbury Road, Prospect Vale at 5.30pm – 7pm (supper provided)

Participants should RSVP to Council on 6393 5379 or