Building, Plumbing & Other Approvals
Be certain about what approvals and permits you require before undertaking work on your property.
Building regulations exist in order to protect people's health and safety. It is Council's responsibility to ensure that the State Government Building Regulations are followed. Council does this by:
• Ensuring people are aware of their obligations under the building regulations
• Accepting applications for building and plumbing works
• Issuing permits for building and plumbing works
• Carrying out inspections to ensure work complies with building regulations
• Ensuring the work is carried out by licensed practitioners where required
• Keeping records and registers of building and plumbing work where required
The Building Act 2016 and the Building Regulations 2017, require all building and demolition work to be placed into categories. While most of these categories still require you to obtain Building or Plumbing Approval, some do not. Before starting any building or demolition work at your place:
1. Be certain about whether or not your work requires a Planning Permit
Planning Permits are different from Building or Plumbing Approvals. A Planning Permit may be required before any other approvals are granted. If you are unsure, contact Council on 6393 5320 and ask to speak with a Town Planner before starting any work. For more information on Planning Permits, click here
2. Be certain about the category of your building, plumbing or demolition work
Building regulations are complex and mistakes can be costly. Under the Building Act 2016, your work is required to be placed into one of four categories. If you are unsure, you will need to contact a building surveyor to provide you with advice on the category of your work and the types of approvals you will need. For more information about the categories of work visit Consumer Building and Occupational Services
3. Be certain about any other approvals you require
Depending on the type of work you wish to undertake, you may require approvals from TasWater, TasNetworks and/or the Tasmanian Heritage Council. If you are unsure, a building surveyor can provide you with advice.
Property Developers
If you are a property developer there is a range of infrastructure that you are required to build to service your blocks of land. This can include driveways, power, water, sewerage and telecommunications. Information about driveway construction and working in the road reserve can be found here
For information about the telecommunications rules, visit the Commonwealth Department of Communications
Building surveyors
A building surveyor will be able to provide you with advice on the category of your work and the types of approvals you will need.
Obtain copies of your building and plumbing plans
If you require a copy of your plans, you will need to fill out a request form. The Building Records Request Form can be downloaded by clicking on the link below. There is a fee for this service, payable when submitting the completed application. Plans can only be issued to the property owner. If you are not the property owner, you must obtain written permission from the property owner and this must be attached to the request form. Please note that Council holds archives for approximately 25 years and may not have records of older building works.
Owner builders
For information on the requirements for owner builders, click here
Building inspections
Depending on the scope of your building and/or plumbing work, inspections may be required to be carried out during construction and at completion of the work.
Your building and/or plumbing permit will list the stages when inspections are required.
Building work inspections
You can arrange building inspections by contacting your building surveyor.
Plumbing work inspections
You can arrange plumbing inspections by contacting Council's Plumbing Surveyor on 6393 5320. Council requires 48 hours notice for inspection bookings.
Permits, certificates and application forms
To view or download forms for building and plumbing works, click here