Community Consultation

Your insights are invaluable to us as we strive to shape Meander Valley into a thriving and inclusive community that meets the needs and aspirations of all its residents.

Active engagement lies at the heart of our decision-making process and your participation is essential for us to make well-informed choices that directly impact you and your fellow community members.

Whether it's contributing your thoughts on park development, the creation of new playgrounds, or adjustments to local policies, your voice carries weight in our endeavours. We welcome and encourage your input every step of the way.

Meander Valley Voices Community Consultation Project

Have your say! Meander Valley Council invites residents to share their voice, values, and ideas on who we are and what’s important at our Meander Valley Voices Workshops, as part of the development of our ten year Community Strategic Plan.

Meander Valley Voices Survey

Join us in shaping the next 10 years of Meander Valley! Share your voice and stories as we develop our Community Strategic Plan.

Eastern Play Space Strategy 2024 - 2034

As our townships continue to grow, it's vital we prioritise the value of our open spaces, recognise the benefits they provide to our community and how they enhance the Eastern side of our municipality.

Meander Valley Road, Westbury, Streetscape Renewal

By working together, we can transform Meander Valley Road into a thriving, pedestrian-friendly corridor that seamlessly integrates key businesses, recreational spaces, and greenery.