Meander Valley Voices Community Consultation Project copy

Have your say! Meander Valley Council invites residents to share their voice, values, and ideas on who we are and what’s important at our Meander Valley Voices Workshops, as part of the development of our ten year Community Strategic Plan.

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Have your say! Meander Valley Council invites residents to share their voice, values, and ideas on who we are and what’s important at our Meander Valley Voices Workshops, as part of the development of our ten year Community Strategic Plan.

The Meander Valley Voices Community Consultation project is currently open and listed below.

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Meander Valley Council, working together with specialist facilitators, are hosting consultation activities during March 2024 to gain your insight into our community and help plan future directions.

We invite you to share your voice and ideas.

Workshop sessions will be held in Deloraine, Prospect and Westbury and focus on understanding our community identity, values, priorities and our vision for the future.

The Meander Valley Voices Consultation process will inform ongoing community ‘place branding’ projects and the development of a new ‘Community Strategic Plan’ to cover a ten-year period from 2024 until 2034. The Plan will be Council’s highest level planning document and be used to guide not only Councils service delivery directions during this time, but will also support other Government agencies, organisations and our community to work together for the future of the Meander Valley region.

We encourage as many people as possible to attend. Booking ahead is recommended - please do so below.

To book in for a workshop session:

Join us at Deloraine Community Complex in the Auditorium, 8 Alveston Dr, Deloraine.

Save your seat!

Join us at Prospect Vale Park (room location to be announced shortly).

Save your seat!

Join us at Westbury Function Centre, 21 Franklin St, Westbury.

Save your seat!

No problem! There will be opportunity to contribute via online survey that will be located on this site from the end of March through to mid-April.

There will also be an opportunity to comment on a draft of the new Community Strategic Plan later in the year.

Want for Further Information?

Please contact Nate Austen at Council on 6393 5366 or